A lathe mixing an emulsion

Repsol Advance - High-performance emulsion for cold microagglomerates

Repsol has developed the Repsol EFI-ADVANCE C65BP4 MIC d High Performance emulsion, which enables cold microsurfacing with very fast fracture and very high cohesion, capable of enduring the most adverse working conditions.


Properties and applications

This emulsion is suitable for areas requiring high-performance cold microsurfacing, both for achieving strong macrotextures that avoid the projection of particles by wheeled traffic and to minimize pavement preservation needs.


  • Airplane runways and airport aprons
  • Reflective cracking prevention membranes with polymer or metallic mesh
  • Wearing courses with high traffic intensity, such as highways
  • Treatments for improving adherence in zones with winding curves
  • Safety and warning pavement in hazardous areas