Types of Engineering

Innovation and future

Engineering is one of the most in-demand professional areas with the greatest projection nowadays. Behind every technological advance, infrastructure, or innovative solution is the mind and work of an engineer. 

If you don't know what major to study, but you are passionate about technology, science, and you are looking to be part of one of the professions of the future, all types of engineering offer you a range of possibilities to develop your talent.


What is engineering?

Engineering is a discipline that combines scientific and technological knowledge to design, build, maintain, and improve systems, structures, devices, processes, and products.

Engineers work in a large variety of sectors, including energy, technology, construction, manufacturing, transport, health, and the environment.

All types of engineering

The field of engineering covers a wide variety of specializations, each one with its own challenges and areas of application. Which are the most important types of engineering?

  • Industrial Engineering: Industrial engineering is tasked with improving processes, increasing productivity, managing resources, and raising quality in various sectors. It focuses on large-scale optimization, such as business organization and overall productivity improvement.
  • Process Engineering: This specialty designs, analyzes, and controls specific processes within an industry, such as oil refining or food production. Its objective is to ensure efficiency, safety, and quality at each stage of production.
  • Chemical Engineering: Chemical engineering is dedicated to the transformation of raw materials into tangible products by means of physicochemical processes. Applications include the production of plastics, fuels, and medicines.
  • Materials Engineering: It studies the properties, behavior, and application of materials in various fields, such as nanotechnology, aerospace construction, and biomedicine.
  • Systems Engineering: It designs, develops, implements, and maintains complex systems that integrate hardware, software, and networks. Applications include business management systems and computer networks.
  • Computer Engineering: This discipline specializes in software development, the creation of web and mobile applications, database management, and computer systems administration.
  • Mechanical Engineering: Fundamental to the development of industry, transport, and technology in general. It designs, builds, and analyzes mechanical devices, such as engines, machines, robots, and vehicles.
  • Electrical Engineering: It focuses on the design, operation, and maintenance of electrical systems, including the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity, as well as control and automation systems.
  • Electronic Engineering: The electronic devices we use every day are the result of this branch of engineering. It designs, develops, manufactures, and maintains electronic devices, such as integrated circuits, microcontrollers, and sensors.
  • Environmental Engineering: Environmental engineering specializes in the prevention and control of environmental impact, natural resource management, and sustainable development. 
  • Control and Automation Engineering: It designs, implements, and maintains automatic control systems for industrial processes and other complex systems. Its work increases efficiency, productivity, and quality in various sectors. 
  • Telecommunications Engineering: They are responsible for designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining communication systems, including telephone networks, data networks, radio communications, and satellites.
  • Biomedical Engineering: It applies engineering to medicine and biology for the development of medical devices, prostheses, biomaterials, and medical software. Its goal is to improve the quality of life of patients, create solutions for medical care, and develop technologies for biomedical research.
  • Robotics Engineering: Robotics engineering designs, develops, builds, operates, and maintains robots. Its applications are found in a variety of sectors as diverse as manufacturing, medical care, space exploration, and agriculture.
  • Agroindustrial Engineering: It applies engineering principles throughout the agri-food production chain. It specializes in agricultural machinery design, implementation of food processing technologies, quality control, food safety assurance, and industrial plant design.
  • Agricultural Engineering: It covers agricultural, livestock, and agroindustrial production, with a focus on process optimization, sustainability, and efficiency. Some of its areas of study are crops, soils, or irrigation. 
  • Agronomy Engineering: It focuses on efficient and sustainable crop production. Its field of study includes plant physiology, plant genetics, plant pathology, entomology, pedology, agricultural climatology, pest and disease management, and plant nutrition.
  • Civil Engineering: Civil engineering encompasses a broad field that includes the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructures such as buildings, bridges, dams, airports, and transport networks.
  • Road, Canal, and Port Engineering: It specializes in the design, construction, and maintenance of specific transport infrastructures, such as roads, canals, ports, and public transport systems. 
  • Aeronautical Engineering: This discipline focuses on the design, development, construction, operation, and maintenance of aircraft, propulsion systems, and aerospace components.
  • Mining Engineering: Mining engineering is responsible for the exploration, extraction, and processing of minerals. It supplies raw materials to various industrial sectors, designs and operates mines, implements sustainable extraction techniques, evaluates the potential of mineral deposits, and manages water resources in its sector.
  • Sound Engineering: This branch is responsible for capturing, recording, editing, mixing, and reproducing sound. It is applied in music production, sound system design, the creation of special effects, and the development of recording and playback technologies. 

Benefits of studying engineering

In university majors, engineering is very attractive for those who seek a challenging, gratifying profession with a high potential for success. Studying one of the existing types of engineering can be a good decision for your future.

  1. High demand: they are highly in-demand professional in various sectors.
  2. Competitive salaries: they usually have high salaries compared to other professions.
  3. Job stability: the high demand for engineers ensures greater job stability compared to other sectors. 
  4. Transferable skills: the skills acquired during training in any type of engineering are easily transferable to other fields.
  5. Positive impact on society: engineering contributes to social, economic, and technological development in a fundamental manner.

Complete your training with Repsol Talent Energy

The Repsol Talent Energy program offers students the chance to acquire practical experience and develop the skills necessary to become professionals in the energy sector.

Through these internships, participants are trained in real projects relevant for the energy transition, working together with a team of expert and passionate professionals for innovation and sustainability.

Discover the programs