Our relationship with our partners

We build responsible relationships with our partners. We're aware of the change we can make together with our partners in the countries where we work. Side by side, we work to implement the environmental, social, safety, and health guidelines we support.

  1. Partner evaluation: Before deciding to acquire an asset, we assess existing and potential risks that could arise during business operations, and we carry out a due diligence process.
  2. Agreements: We generally use a joint operating agreement (JOA) model that define the responsibilities and limits each partner has in the operation and management of an asset.
  3. Human rights clause: We have a specific regulation that expressly indicates that the operator must respect internationally recognized human rights. This means that human rights must not be infringed upon, and if they are, there will be consequences.
  4. Audits: We conduct regular controls to ensure the three previous points have been met.

Collaborating with our partners to respect human rights

A man’s back on an offshore platform. Brazil


Respect for human rights is a key factor that also governs how we engage with our non-operated assets. The operators’ activities are reviewed on a regular basis, in order to improve joint performance in Human Rights, as well as in Safety and Environment. Work is carried out together with the main companies that operate in joint blocks with Repsol, sharing standards, best practices, and our regulations, which are based on the highest international standards and also our success stories, both globally and specifically in Brazil, such as the Plataforma Educativa project, of our joint venture Repsol Sinopec Brasil, which is celebrating ten years of success in Brazil.

Another example is the MAREM project (Environmental Mapping of Emergency Response at Sea), that we have developed together with the IBP (Brazilian Institute of Oil, Gas, and Biofuels), IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), and other associated companies. It is a georeferenced online map of the coast, with key and open information to help oil and gas companies in their emergency response plans in case of an oil spill at sea.

Cashiriari in the Camisea block

Peru (Block 88 in Camisea)

Repsol has a 10% stake in the consortium that operates this block in Peru, and from the very start of our participation we’ve worked intensely with our partners to improve our human rights performance, being a sensitive area located close to the Kugapakori-Nahua-Nanti Reservation (KNNR). Repsol has shared all its knowledge about the processes to follow in areas with indigenous presence — especially in the cases of communities in voluntary isolation or first contact. Our norms dictate that in those operations where the Company does not have management control, we will inform our partners about these policies and put all our knowledge and strategies at their disposal for us to meet our objectives.

Employees looking at a computer
Several hands raised
An operator smiling

Respecting human rights is a commitment of Repsol at the highest level

Responsibly managing the value chain is fundamental in the prevention and mitigation of risks. With the aim of promoting compliance with our human rights policies in our business relationships, we provide a course with specific examples of how your actions can affect human rights. In less than an hour, you'll learn in a dynamic and entertaining way about the main risks and how we should proceed.