Technological innovation

A boost to progress

Technological innovation is an engine to transform our daily lives, society, and the products, services, and processes of companies.

In the field of companies, it allows you to respond better to the needs of consumers and optimize the relationship with customers, increase productivity, adapt more quickly to changes in the market, and create new jobs, among other advantages. Not to mention that current technological innovations are also a lever to create products and implement more environmentally friendly processes.


What is technological innovation?

The appearance of new electronic devices, an advanced medical technique, a new production system, or new agricultural techniques are examples of technological innovations. But what is technological innovation and what do these improvements have in common?

In essence, it can be defined as the introduction of significant changes in the way in which activities are carried out and human needs are met through the use of technology. It covers a wide range of activities and processes related to the creation, development, implementation, and dissemination of new products, services, processes, or business models that incorporate significant technological advances.

Types of technological innovation

Technological innovation always leads to change. But depending on how far it breaks with previous technology, how it affects the market, and the risk and potential benefit it generates, we can speak of three types of innovation:

  • Progressive innovation. When technological innovation has a gradual impact on the company's processes or products, but does not entail a change in them or in the values associated with them, it is considered to be progressive in nature. If the improvement implemented is of a progressive nature, the customer already knows the product or service that is the object of the innovation, in the same way that the workers already know the processes, which change only slightly. This change has little or no risk for the company, but the benefits are also small.
  • Disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation involves an abrupt change in processes, products, and services, to the point of transforming the market. It entails greater risk, but also greater benefits for the company. In this case, change attracts new customers and generates new values.
  • Radical innovation. When it is radical, it isn't that innovation generates new products or services, but that it generates the appearance of new needs, business models, and markets. These changes have high risk and large benefits.

Advantages of technological innovation applied in companies

Improved relationships with customers

Optimizing the experience of consumers, strengthening the relationship with customers, or a better response to market needs are some examples of technological innovation that represent advantages for users. This can include the implementation of communication tools, such as virtual assistants or chatbots; a new customer management system that allows to improve the analysis of their preferences and needs, or the customization of the user experience through virtual reality tools.

Innovation in internal processes

The application of current technological innovations in internal processes of companies allows to increase productivity, optimize decision-making, and improve management, among other possible advantages. This may involve process automation, the adoption of data analysis tools, or new management systems, among others.

Innovation in products and services

Technological innovation applied to the development and improvement of products and services allows for more personalized experiences for customers, products or services with more value, or to meet needs that had not been taken into account.

It improves productivity and reduces costs

The optimization of processes in the company facilitates management, allows processes to be optimized, and repetitive tasks to be carried out in a more agile way, allowing employees to focus on other tasks of greater added value and reduce operating costs.

It promotes sustainable practices

Thanks to current technological innovations, companies can also innovate in environmental sustainability by implementing technologies that reduce their impact on the environment, increase energy efficiency, optimize the use of raw materials, or minimize waste, for example.

It generates jobs

Technological advances give rise to new professional profiles, both through the creation of new industries and the transformation of existing ones.

9 examples of technological innovation

Repsol's technological innovation is born at the Technology Lab, our innovation and technology center, where over 230 scientists develop in-house R+D, complementing them by establishing alliances with research centers, universities, startups, and corporations around the world, through its investment vehicle, Corporate Venturing, and an open innovation strategy.

These are some examples of projects that the Repsol Technology Lab is working on:

  • Renewable fuels. At Repsol, we've been designing and producing renewable fuels for over 20 years, created from resources such as biomass and organic waste. As Dolores Cárdenas explains, industrial engineer doctor at the Repsol Technology Lab, "technology is vital for the efficiency of vehicles and integrating lower-carbon footprint fuels."
  • Nanoparticles to create smart materials. One of the projects we are working on is the use of magnetic nanoparticles in raw materials and materials. They are used, for example, to vary the viscosity and temperature of fluids and thus facilitate their transport, and to develop smart materials such as Smart Cement, which allows us to know the state of the material at all times.
  • Synthetic fuels. At the Repsol Technology Lab, we innovate in the production of fuels generated from renewable hydrogen and captured CO2, and which will be able to be used in current vehicles, from cars to planes.
  • CO2 capture. We not only work on the reduction of CO2 emissions, but also on carbon capture and its use as a raw material through CO2 Capture, Usage, and Storage (CCUS) technology, as part of our commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
  • Renewable base lubricants. We have developed renewable base lubricants from vegetable oils and other biodegradable raw materials, which in many cases offer superior lubrication properties and protection against wear.
  • Collaborative robots. Among Repsol's projects is the Self-driving Lab, which has incorporated Artificial Intelligence and robotics into our company's new generation of laboratories.
  • Blockchain. Blockchain technology allows us to share information more securely and ensure its traceability.
  • Artificial Intelligence. At Repsol, we apply Artificial Intelligence to our processes: both when formulating our renewable fuels and in logistics, the use of predictive models in production, or decision-making, among others.
  • Geothermal exploration. Technological advances have allowed us to incorporate geothermal energy into our exploration and production activity, a renewable and low-environmental impact energy source.