Synthetic fuels

View of the Petronor refinery facilities

First synthetic fuels plant in Spain

We are committed to a circular model in which CO2 and renewable H2 are used to produce synthetic fuels. 

As a result of the collaboration between Repsol, Petronor, and Saudi Aramco, the plant will boast a production capacity of 8,000 liters per day of low-carbon footprint fuels and will be located in the port of Bilbao. This demo plant, which is in its first phase of development, is scheduled to begin construction by the end of 2024.

How do we produce synthetic fuels?

We use renewable hydrogen and CO2 to produce synthetic fuels. The hydrogen is obtained from the water molecule by using electrolysis with renewable energy, and the CO2 is captured at the Petronor refinery.

The main innovation of the project is to manage to create syngas (CO+H2) from H2 and CO2, generating water as a by-product. Next, we use the latest advances in existing technologies to create gasolines or kerosenes from syngas.

Synthetic fuels are, from the chemical point of view, identical to those currently used in combustion engines, and can therefore use the existing infrastructure and logistics network. These fuels have different final applications, such as aviation fuel, renewable diesel, and naphthas.

Learn about the process in depth

Synthetic fuels infographic

Synthetic fuels in figures:


liters/day of

low-carbon footprint fuels.


Mt of CO2


Circular benefits

  • We remove CO2 from the atmosphere, transforming a pollutant into a raw material.
  • We displace the use of fossil raw materials.
  • We manufacture products with a low- or zero-carbon footprint as we forge ahead with our commitment to become net zero by 2050.
  • We use renewable energy in our processes.
  • We offer a decarbonization alternative to sectors that can't be currently electrified such as long-distance, maritime, and air transportation.
  • We promote the adoption of new technologies and production models.
Shot of industrial complex

Classification by key lines and value chain

Our circular economy projects are aligned with the key lines of our strategy and are present throughout our entire value chain, from obtaining raw materials to commercializing products and services.

Classification by key lines and value chain